Before we discuss about the cleanliness, let us examine the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. "Ten kinds of disposition, habits of the prophet who is ordered, trim the mustache, maintain beard, brush the teet, inhaling water into the nose, cutting the nails, washing the curve of the ear, or the sidelines finger nails, plucking the armpit hairs, shaving the pubic hair, wipe, and rinse "(HR.Muslim). What the Prophet commanded above is an element that produces health cleanliness. All that has been recognized by experts of modern cleanliness. Though the Prophet ordered it to his people fifteen centuries ago.
These are just a few of the revolution of human civilization that was brought by Islam. Prophet Muhammad slowly but surely beginning to change bad habits ingrained human. One of them in the field of health and cleanliness as mentioned in the hadith above.
Cleanliness is our liberation from the impurities, including among other things, dust, trash, and odor. In these modern times, cleanliness is also mean free of viruses, bacterial pathogens, and harmful chemicals. Cleanliness is one sign of good health. Humans need to maintain environmental cleanliness and personal cleanliness to be healthy, odorless, do not spread dirt, or the spread of germs to themselves or others. Cleanliness includes personal cleanliness own bodies, such as bathing, brushing teeth, washing hands, and wear clean clothes.
Cleanliness is our liberation from the impurities, including among other things, dust, trash, and odor. In these modern times, cleanliness is also mean free of viruses, bacterial pathogens, and harmful chemicals. Cleanliness is one sign of good health. Humans need to maintain environmental cleanliness and personal cleanliness to be healthy, odorless, do not spread dirt, or the spread of germs to themselves or others. Cleanliness includes personal cleanliness own bodies, such as bathing, brushing teeth, washing hands, and wear clean clothes.
Washing is one way to keep clean by using water and a kind of soap detergent. Washing hands with soap and water, or use hand cleanliness products is the best way to prevent transmission of influenza and cough. Environmental cleanliness is the cleanliness of residence, place of work, and various public facilities. Cleanliness residence done by wiping the windows and furniture, sweeping floors, washing kitchen utensils and cutlery, cleaning the bathroom and toilet, and dispose of trash. Environmental cleanliness starts from the page and clear the road in front of the litter. Cleanliness levels vary according to place and human activities. Cleanliness at home is different from the operating room on hospital cleanliness, cleanliness in the kitchen while different from the cleanliness in public places.
What is the relationship between Cleanliness with Healthy?
Cleanliness is closely associated with personal cleanliness. If someone does not maintain personal cleanliness, he would easily be plagued with a dangerous disease. For example, if someone is not a perfect bath, he would easily get skin diseases such as skin fungus, ringworm, and so on. Germs, bacteria and other microorganisms that carry a variety of extremely dangerous infectious diseases like living in a dirty place. Some steps in maintaining personal cleanliness can be done in the following way.
1. Wash hands before eating
2. Wear clean clothes to avoid smells and skin diseases
3. Clean up our environment (residence) to dispose of garbage in the space provided (dustbin).
4. Clean the body by cleaning each part of the body.
Keywords: hadith, cleanliness, health, civilization revolution, steps
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Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -