prayer called shalatullail or night prayer. That is the sunnah prayer done at
night after waking from sleep. Lail Prayer is muakad sunna or sunnah prayers
which are highly recommended. Because the Sunnah is rewarded for the work and
not be tortured (not guilty) if the leave. Tahajjud prayer called muakad
because it is a direct command from God that are listed in Alqur’an. In
particular this means, Allah command that the prayer is the secret behind the
secret, there is a tremendous benefit for people who are strong to do it. In
the Quran called: And from most of the night, then redeeming the evening
tahajjud sunnah to pray for you. Can be half the night, third night, even less
than that. Perhaps with tahajjud pray, God will lift you to a place of glory in
the sight of Allah. So Allah will raise the position of those who love to pray
tahajjud to a great cause.
are a teachers told about the study by a doctor. The study was concerned with
why students at the boarding school has a sharp mind? What's the secret? Long
story short the doctor is, out of curiosity asked Mr. kyai (boarding school
leaders) about it. Answer the pack, because they are the students like tahajjud
praying every night. The doctors are still curious about the answers of Kyai,
so eventually conducted research on students who perform prayer tahajjud. The
conclusion eventually is that when students wake up nights and ablutions, and
tahajjud prayer, prostrate at the blood will flow to the brain / head. This
blood is fresh blood or blood of a healthy and very useful for brain health.
Why? Because the new riser then a smooth blood circulation, fresh and healthy.
When the flow to the head at the bow, then become unusually good drug for
intelligence. How to prove that my brain people prayed tahajjud be smart?
Evidenced by the next morning to learn that quickly memorized and quickly
is clear to us is that every command of God contained in the Holy Quran or the
hadiths of Prophet Mahammad SAW contain or are loaded with meaning and wisdom
in it. Command is not just the command alone. Surely it is very beneficial
servants. Like prayer five times in a day. It turned out that if health is
examined prayer movement is a movement that serves to exercise is very
beneficial for the body. ( please read my artikel “ Healthy by the Movements of
Sholat/ prayer). The point is, lets do the God's commands and stay away from
the ban. Then surely God would give more meaning to every command that we do.
Prayer tahajjud, Qiyamullail or night prayer, too. Allah will raise the highest
degree and will put us into position commendable. May we all Muslims will be
given the power to be praying tahajjud by istiqomah.
Keywords : The Benefits of Tahajud Prayer, Healthy
by Tahajud Prayer,
Healthy Brain by Tahajud
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Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -