Sleep is a human need that must be met. However,
excessive sleep and sleep at the wrong time would not be good for your health. Unhealthy
sleep that you should be avoided are excessive sleep in the morning after dawn
and sleep in the evening after the Asar. Why? If you do it continuously, it
will cause problems for your health. Not only the health of your body, but also
can damage your financial health. Among the reasons why we are forbidden to
perform activities of bed in the morning and late afternoon are as follows.
Morning time is a full-time benefits. However, in
reality we see many people neglect this good time. The time should be used for
working, doing activities, it is used for sleeping and lazing. Ibnul Qoyim
(Leader of Islamic Scholars) say that a lot of sleep can be lethal heart and
make the body feel lazy and wasting time. Morning is the best time to prepare
for the beginning of the main effort to find sustenance. Finding fortune or
starting a business is best when cool air after dawn. But when he had passed, a
person starts to feel lazy and weak that could ruin his business on that day
and will ultimately jeopardize sustenance. In addition, it removes the blessing
of sustenance. This is evident in a lot of experience. On the other hand, sleep
in the morning will leave you will feel lazy to do the activity. If you are
always lazy, your brain will be weak. Why? Because slacker rarely train his
brain. then when he was given a question, she will be very long answer. He has
made himself older than the original.
Being lazy, you are ultimately unproductive. Lazy
does not pay the phone bill, electric bill lazy, and so forth. Lazy aspect
leads to unproductive and a waste of time. Lazy will only invite the bad things
in our lives. Lazy is the most accomplished ladies who brought us to a life of
failure. The problem stems from your sleep habits in the morning.
Keywords : Unhealthy Sleeping, The Danger of Sleeping Excessive,
Sleeping In The Morning.
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Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -