of us may often consume the foods below, or maybe even you consume every day.
You do not realize and know that the food that you consume is potentially dangerous
to your health. Maybe when you eat in small amounts, these foods are probably
not going to interfere with your health. But if you consume large amounts of
food at the bottom, it can provide a more adverse impact than you think. Let's
see what the regular food we eat but not good for our health.
1. Mushrooms
are available in the supermarket should be safe for consumption, but the fans
fungi need to be careful because many species can be very dangerous and even
deadly. About 100 species of fungi reportedly harmful to humans, with symptoms
ranging from headaches to seizures and even death. In 2010 a small amount of
fungus called Little White held responsible for the deaths of around 400 people
in China.
2. Chili
have spicy taste. It makes it very popular. Even so, it turns out the spiciness
resulting from chemical compounds (capsaicin) can cause toxicity effects such
as abdominal pain, itching, and in the most severe cases, can lead to death. For
most people, eating chili just a little dangerous, but capsaicin is best
constrained in their consumption, so make sure not to eat too much and avoid
spicy food eating competition!
3. Nutmeg
nutmeg have health benefits, but it also can be very dangerous if consumed in
large quantities. Nutmeg seed contains a toxic substance called myristicin,
moderate portions of nutmeg can cause hallucinations, while large amounts of
nutmeg can cause convulsions, palpitations, nausea, dehydration, and death.
4. Potato
may look safe enough, but did you know that potatoes actually comes from the
same family of plants Solanaceae poisonous? Potatoes have a particular risk to
our health because they contain toxic compounds known as glycoalkaloids, the
most alarming is solanine which affects the nervous and digestive system,
causing headaches, fatigue, dizziness, diarrhea and vomiting, and others. Potato
poisoning is rare, but avoid potatoes that sprout - which tend to have a higher
concentration of glycoalkaloids - and potatoes that have turned green. Although
the green color in the potato itself is not dangerous, it shows that the potato
has been exposed to sunlight, which may also encourage solanine levels to rise
above a safe level.
already know the dangers of food above. From now, try to reduce these food. I
did not say that the food above should not be consumed. We may consume it, but
in small portions and do not consume it continuously. Love your body by
adopting a healthy lifestyle.
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Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -