is reasonable if you created fear and confusion over the enemy who seemed so
strong and great with your lives as a stake. You can not imagine what will
happen and when it happens. Everything is a big question mark. That feeling
that comes when you are convicted of stage IV of cancer.
if your feeling is always attacked by yourself without your effort to get rid
of these feelings, which happened just you getting malignant cancer. Accept the
verdict of cancer did you down and cause mental stress. But you should know
that once again, feeling down and stress would trigger the cancer cells grow
rapidly, so the potential for recovery is reduced. Now, fight your cancer.
Cancer does not mean your life is finish.
we have a hard life, do all the positive efforts for the defeated him. Do the
effort, do not forget to pray and at the end, then we accept the attitude and
effort. Do not su'udzon to Allah SWT if the results are different from the
desired result. Always stay husnudzon in Allah, there may be other scenarios of
the almighty on your results.
this true story.
have a teacher of Sufism in the post-graduate, he was named Professor. Amin
Syukur, MA. About 9 years ago, he was convicted of brain cancer by a physician.
He was verdict by the doctor that his live is about four months. But what
happened? He recovered from his cancer. He teaches in the post- graduate 0f IAIN
Walisongo Semarang until now. He never pessimistic and su'udzon to Allah against
the disease. He was never afraid of death. But even so, he is still carrying
out his responsibilities to the disease, the treatment of cancer with cancer
treatment. Please you read his book entitled "Healing Kankerku
second story
years ago, my brother-in-law had colon cancer. He was also sentenced to a
doctor that the age was 6 months again. What happened? My brother can survive
four years in fighting against the cancer. He was not down when he learned that
he had cancer on four stage. He was still smiling in life, continue to perform the
Ramadhan fasting althought his stomach ache and he was never questioned about
the death.
be afraid to face your cancer. Keep smiling whatever the outcome of the efforts
and prayers that have been done. People will not suffer for eternity if he
wants to try and pray. Insya Allah
Keywords : Cancer, Colon Cancer, Brain Cancer, Cancer
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Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -