In my area there are hot springs that have been built
into a bath. Every day, both
morning noon and night is always filled with the bather. There are many reasons why they bathe
in the warm water. There is a
shower for the cure of various diseases, relieve tired or just a bath because the
weather in my area is cold. Bath using warm water is very nice, especially while
showering in the morning. However,
you should know about the benefits of the risk of a warm bath, so you can set
the time when your warm bath. Thus
health is maintained
Below are some of the benefits of a warm bath is:
Below are some of the benefits of a warm bath is:
1. It can cure Colds and headaches
Soak feet in warm water can help cure the flu and
headaches and refresh tired legs. Put
warm water into the tub as necessary, to cover the foot and ankle, add a few
drops of oils such as lavender, peppermint or lemon. Do it for 10-20 minutes, then rinse
with cold water.
2. Release the poison
Warm bath with a temperature of 32-35 degrees celsius
can open the pores to help remove toxins / poisons, but it can lower blood
sugar levels, heal sore muscles and helps keep the colon working properly. The recommended time for 10-20
And Below are The Few Risks when You are too often bath
by Using Warm Water:
1. Lower sperm quality
Bath or shower with warm water is not good for the
testis. Based on a 2007 study,
soak for 30 minutes in warm water or hot tub can lower sperm production. But this negative effect is reversible
(can change). Exposure to warm or
hot water can negatively affect sperm because sperm takes a long time to
mature. Best known for the
development of sperm in a cold environment, this is why the testicles are
located outside the human body, namely in the scrotum.
2. Harm the fetus
Warm water bath is not really problematic for women who
are pregnant, but keep in mind is the temperature. When the water temperature is too high
then the activity could harm the baby shower. High
temperatures, especially in early pregnancy can cause birth defects in
offspring born.
You already know the benefits and risks of a warm bath. You may bath by using warm water for
your health, but do not do every day. Even
when you wake up in the morning, you are recommended to take a shower with cold
water. For a cold shower will be
peeled in the next article.
Warm Water, Bath with Warm
Water, Benefits and Risks of Warm Water.
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Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -