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instant noodles are liked because it is practical, quick, tasty, and inexpensive. But did you know that instant noodles have a very low nutrient content and other additives which not good even for women who are pregnant and children? "
Although the risk due to additive does not directly visible, but by Arlene Eisenberg, in a book called What to Eat When You `re Expecting, pregnant women should avoid foods that contain lots of additives. For toddlers, the materials do not really need this body of work can also slow the digestive organs.
Let us examine a little about the harmful chemicals found in instant noodles. Spices that used on it include MSG. The critical point is the microbial media, the media used to replicate the function of microorganisms ferment the raw materials MSG. While the noodles are complementary taste materials ie HVP and yeast extract. Vegetable protein or HVP hidrolized is a type of protein that dihidrolisasi with hydrochloric acid or with enzymes.The source of this enzyme should we question whether it comes from animals, plants or microorganisms. If the animal what animal would have to clear and how to slaughter it. While the critical point is an amino acid derived from animals.
It is ok if you consume noodles, but do not everyday. If you want to eat instant noodles, make sure the noodles had received permission from the Ministry of Health, would have been safe. However, when consumed every day, especially by children, this is a problem. Instant food as other industrial products, instant noodles use a lot of chemicals. Dyes, preservatives, and flavoring we must be cautious in this regard. Even safe, but if we continue in the frequency of consumption often and in the long term, these chemicals can accumulate in the body. The effect will certainly disrupt the metabolic system, because the chemicals, however is toxic to the body.
In addition, too often eat instant noodles can also interfere with nutrient inputs, especially children. We were able to add the egg and veggies so that the nutritional quality of instant noodles in a serving of rice is not less complete. But the noodles are too savory flavor, can damage the child's appetite. Their tongues are being studied to identify a sense, be patterned with a crisp savory taste of MSG and flavor noodles. As a result they consider cooking mothers generally do not use too much MSG bland. Their appetite was gone. Finally, we still need to be able to control ourselves. Not too often consume instant noodles, especially to our children.

Keywords: noodles. Consume noodles, chemicals found in instant noodles
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Ditulis oleh: Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -