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Consume Tempe For Fighting Disease

In general, tempe have white colour. It is cused mycelia growth of mold that holds the seeds of soybean, forming a compact texture. Degradation of components in fermented soybean tempeh makes a distinctive taste and aroma
Tempe Nutrition
Tempe contain good nutrients for our health such as vitamin B2, vitamin B12, niacin, and pantorenat acid. Even the results of the analysis, nutrient content of niacin tempe show for 1:13 mg/100 grams of edible tempe. The content was increased approximately 2-fold after soy fermented into tempe. Because niacin content in soybean is only about 0.58 mg.
Well, tempe can act as a supplier of minerals, vitamin B12 (found in animal foods), and iron that is needed in the formation of red blood cells. In addition, tempe also able to lower blood cholesterol levels. Compound protein, PUFA fatty acids, fiber, niacin, and calcium in the tempe can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol.
Below are 10 Benefits of Tempe:
ü  The protein contained in tempe is very high, easy to digest, so good for diarrhea.
ü  Contains iron, which are antioxidants flafoid thus lowering blood pressure.
ü   Contains desmutase superoxide free radicals that can control, good for heart patients.
ü  Anti-anemia. Anemia characterized by low hemoglobin levels due to lack of available iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), protein, folic acid and vitamin B12, in which the elements are contained in tempe.
ü  Anti-infection. The survey results showed that tempe contain antibacterial compounds produced by corals tempe (R. oligosporus) is an antibiotic that is useful to minimize the incidence of infection.
ü  Power hipokolesterol. Polyunsaturated fatty acid content in tempe is able to lower cholesterol levels.
ü  It has anti-oxidant properties, resist cancer.
ü  Prevent multiple nutritional problems (due to shortage and excess nutrients) along with various diseases that accompany it, both infectious and degenerative.
ü  Preventing the onset of hypertension.
ü  a high calcium content, tempe can prevent osteoporosis.
Some research also suggests that nutrients tempe more easily digested, absorbed, and utilized the body compared with that in soybean. It has been demonstrated in infants and young children with severe malnutrition and chronic diarrhea. let us consume tempe for our health. Tempe is very Cheap!!

Keywords: Consume Tempe, Fighting Disease, Tempe Nutrition, 10 Benefits, cheap.
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Ditulis oleh: Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -