Fluoride is the reduced form of fluorine.
Fluorine-containing compounds range from potent toxins such as sarin to
life-saving drugs such as efavirenz, and from inert materials such as calcium
fluoride to the highly reactive sulfur tetrafluoride. There are some studies
that indicate that the use of fluoride is danger. But even so, today, it is
recommended fluoride use, especially when we are brushing our teeth. The
dentist is always advised to use toothpaste that contains fluoride. As we all
know, fluoride materials is one of the main components in the herb toothpaste
once a day minimum we use. From all toothpaste products are marketed in
Indonesia, all include fluoride as the main ingredient. This is due to medical
reasons that this substance is able to strengthen tooth enamel.
So, what have to do?
Below I will show some research which indicate that using of fluoride
is dangerous.
Brain Damage trigger. Fluoride lowers the capacity of human intelligence,
especially children. The level of intelligence of children who use fluoride was
significantly lower than the children that not given fluoride. (Li, XS, Zhi,
JL, Gao, RO, 'The effect of Fluoride Against The Intelligence of Children,'
Fluoride; 28:182-189, 1995). Experiment Dr. Phyllis Mullinex mice showed
neurological toxicity effects that vary at each stage of maturity, both adult
animal, animal children, or through the placenta when the baby is still in the
uterus. The samples indicate that the baby that get fluoride before birth will
be born as a child hyperactive.
Fluoride during pregnancy until one year will increase1% inability to learn in
children. (Research University of South Florida)
causes the hips to be crack. Drinking water that contains fluoride will cause rift
hip bone folding 2 times (200%) Of the amount of natural bone rift, both mens
and women. Even a very small level of 0.1 ppm fluoride number was still showing
a rise in the hip bone that rift statistically significant (Bordeaux study JAMA
has a negative effect on the nervous system and the immune system, and in
children can lead to chronic fatigue, low IQ, unable to learn, lethargy and
depression (World bruha.com / fluoride /)
After you know the fact of flouride, you can
choose the best way about the using of flouride. Using or not, it is depend on
Keywords : The Using of Flouride, The Effect of Flouride,
The Danger of Using Flouride, Knowing Flouride, Healthy Without Flouride
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Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -