Each person will have aging problem. This is the law of nature, or in Islam
is known with sunatullah. Everything in the world will get a rotational life. Our
age will be growing, it will cause everything changed. Our age may be old, but do
not our appearance to be old too. Youthful appearance will have self belief in our
life. Youth is making us to be healthy.
To solve the problem of aging, avoid the causes of aging problem. First,
decreasing on TV viewing. We all know that sitting for hours in front of the TV
is not good for the waistline. But you may not know that it also shortens your
life. Researchers from the University of Queensland found that every hour you
spend in front of the TV reduces the life of your 22 minutes. Further research
also found that watching TV can also increase the risk of developing
Alzheimer's disease.
Second, do not be too little (or a lot) of exercise. The benefits of
exercise are not scalable to keep you feeling and looking young. Lack of sports
not only shorten life, but also increase the risk of obesity and heart disease.
Exercise also prevents Alzheimer's disease, so it makes good sense to feel
alert and stay powered. Furthermore, exercise also increases blood circulation
to the skin and keeps you glowing and younger looking skin. Conversely, too
much exercise makes joints stiff and add to the risk of arthritis.
Third, not too much sugar. Eating too much sugar is certainly bad news for
our waistlines. Actually, sugar has the same level of smoking and sun when it
comes to the things that make wrinkles on the skin. When high blood sugar
levels, a process called glycation damage the collagen in the skin. Once
damaged collagen supple turned hard, resulting in skin wrinkles.
Then, control of your work. Despite having a job is a necessity for some of
us, it's also one of the causes of premature aging. First, the work is a source
of stress for many people, which can lead to heart attacks and accelerating
cell aging. Second, spending too much time at work to make you have a little
time to exercise, eat healthy food and sleep. To reduce risk, avoid working
time is too long and use at night and on weekends to relax.
Next, a low-fat diet. Many of us switch to a low fat diet to lose weight.
But eating less healthy fats such as Omega-3 could be a negative effect and
make you old fast. Omega-3 found in fish oil, walnuts, and seeds, it is not
only important to keep skin supple and wrinkle-free, but it is also important
for brain health and make heart healthy and also prolong life.
After you do the away above , do not forget in Balance with the healthy
lifestyle, please drinking much water. Water helps us in digestion, absorption,
nutrient distribution, and disposal of waste in the body. Water also detoxifies
the body and prevent wrinkles because water is a mineral that is essential for
our body.
Keywords : Aging Problems, The benefits of
Water, Omega 3 Benefits for Aging,
If You Get Aging
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Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -