most of the illnesses suffered by some people coming from the intake of fat in
our bodies. That is why the person is directly claimed that fat is something
that is very dangerous and should be avoided. This assumption is not wrong, but
if you claime fat as a source of disease, you may need to go back and check.
Determinants of a disease is not absolute due to the fats in the body. There
are so many factors that influence the occurrence of disease. The main thing is
what I have written in previous articles, the article entitled “Keep Your Psyche, Do Not Be Stained”. Liver
or psyche that stained by the nature of envy, jealousy, anger, pride and heart
disease are other determinants of health. So, do not too claime that fat as a source of disease. Everything created
by God definitely has its benefits. Likewise, called fat.
it is not fair to blame all the fat as a cause of disease in the world for
decades. Because there is some misunderstanding in the research conducted, that
all the fat in the diet leads to obesity and heart problems. Fat is considered
as the only source of increased cholesterol in the blood, and is responsible
for vascular plug.
how to address foods that contain fat? According to Frank Hu, Professor of
Nutrition and Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health says that everyone
should be able to see some of the positives of fat. Just as carbohydrates, fat
is one of the important nutrients. That is, the human body requires a balance
of body fat as the key. Fat can facilitate the absorption of Vitamin A, D, E,
and K. "Fat is also important for energy and essential for maintaining
healthy skin and hair and softness," said Frank Hu.
studies reveal, by eating good fats can reduce the risk of diabetes, heart
disease, and obesity. Even with eating good fats, can keep cholesterol remained
normal. "This is because not all fats are created equal, but there is no
function," Hu said. He explains, not all fats are directly affecting the
weight or the risk of heart attack.
are the good fat for your health
Unsaturated fat like Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs)
found in foods derived from plants such as beans, avocado, olive oil, canola
flowers husband, and poultry. Basically, MUFAs can lower cholesterol levels,
which automatically reduces the risk of heart disease.
Saturated Fat
Fat is found in meat and dairy products like cheese, and butter milk. Despite having
been warned for decades to eat less saturated fat, because it can raise levels
of bad cholesterol "LDL" in the body. However, this conclusion is
disputed by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Review 2010. Of the 21
studies conducted none found a relationship between consumption of saturated
fat with increased risk of heart disease or stroke.
already know about the fat. From now, you can not always blame the fat as a
source of disease. You have to believe that any of what God created not in
Keywords : Fat, Unsaturated Fat, Saturated Fat, Fat
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Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -