Allah SWT said "In every
difficulty there is ease". In other words also mentioned that "All
adversity is really an opportunity for our souls to grow" (JohnGray). Life
is not free from various pressures. More-over, living in this modern nature which
serves a variety of risks. If the pressure of your life because you feel guilty
about something, try to eliminate such guilt by revealing errors by way of
apology to the person concerned. Guilt is a feeling that does not feel happy, do
not feel no peace. Feeling bad, wrong, worthlessness, feelings of failure,
feeling embarrassed and defeated because of a deed that has been done.
Psychologists argue that guilt
arises from the failure to achieve standards of behavior that we have set for
yourself. For example, when we have been disappointed or hurt someone, it is a
bad or sinful behavior. The solution to this problem is we have to learn the better
ways of living so as not to harm other people or anyone else. If we do this, we
certainly will not feel guilty. This view is that sin is a horizontal issue,
namely the relationship between fellow human beings (hablun minannaas). In
contrast to the views of the Qur'an, that sin is also having a vertical
dimension, namely the human relationship with God (hablun minallah). So, beside
you apology to the person, you have to ask apology to Allah.
If you are living pressures on
economic issues. Low income, the amount of debt, a growing family needs are
really make your life to be more depressed. But if you continue to stress, your
situation is getting worse. Try to work with harder, more motivated, and more
creative. Try to learn from the philosophy of the table tenis ball. When the
ball is pressed, the ball bounces it up with more awesome.
I am reminded of the life story of
the world motivator Anthony Robbins in one of his biography. To motivate
himself, he accidentally buy a luxury building, while the money is not
adequate. But from precisely the financial pressures that make him more
creative and financially challenged to achieve the level he expected. Then look
at the biographies of the Prophet Muhammad, the noblest man among men. He is an
umi person which have no material deprivation. He never had any property
remaining in his life. If he has in his possession, he gave directly to the
poor. This is exactly the key to blessing fortune. Allah will multiply your
assets if you want a sincere give the way of Allah. In essence, when you are on
difficult or when you are rich, always optimizing yourself for shodaqoh to the
Keywords : Pressure On,
Stress, Adversity, Diffulties
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Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -