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The following story is one of a very famous story and a lesson for everyone. The character in the story is a wealthy man, he is a great businessman. Once when he got chronic disease that can not be silenced.  Then he went to check into the famous hospital. According to the doctor's diagnosis, chronic cancer was found in his body, and the percentage of recovery are slim at all. The doctors suggested that he would receive medical treatment abroad to receive intensive care. Immediately he was going overseas for tests and the results were the same as the diagnosis in the country. The doctors at the hospital and suggested that he wanted to do surgery to remove cancer riddled the body.
The man asked the doctors to give a grace period to return to their home first. He wants to take care of everything, and make one's will to his family members, if it turns out after the surgery there are things that are not desirable. Finally he rose and came home to his country to care of everything. He wrote a will and leave his family members to people who trusted to keep his family. However, he did not inform the family problems he was facing.
On the way to his house, his gaze fixed on an elderly woman who stood beside the place of slaughter animals. The woman was collecting the scattered bones next to the place of slaughter. The man then halt his pace and see the old woman. He asked why she was collecting the scattered bones. The woman then told him that his children are orphaned after the death of her husband. This family is very poor and had no money to buy meat. All I can do is gather the scattered bones to be cooked instead of meat. The man was so moved by the narrative of the conditions faced by women. He alms quite a lot of money in the amount to the woman. He gave money to the worker hamstrung in the past pretty much and told him to send the meat to the woman, every week. The woman was very grateful to him. She prayed for him and then he excused himself and left the place.
A few days later, he was going abroad for surgery. Before the surgery performed, doctors first examined him again. The results are staggering.The doctor's faces transformed, and he angrily asked him, 'Have you gone to another hospital for treatment for that illness? "The man replied," No. "He said,"  Be honest with me, do you have to go to another hospital or not? "The man replied," I swear to God I did not go to other hospitals, why you say like this? "The doctor then said," examination and diagnosis suggests your body at all clear of cancer. These things were  good now. "He almost did not believe on what was said by the doctor. He has no power to stem the tears that melted with joy. He then asked the doctor if it was true. The doctor said, and swore that what he says is true.
After realizing what happened,  the man's praise and give thanks to God. Then he returned to his native country in a healthy condition free from debt. He told members of his family, and they were all very surprised to events experienced by the men.
Then the man said, God has healed me thanks to the prayers offered by the woman, because I have charity for his children. He promised to keep poor families until the time of God's will.
The above story is not simply a story, but the story was real, as experienced by my teacher Prof. Dr.  Amin Syukur, MA. He was at the doctor's verdict that the maximum age for him just four months due to brain cancer that he suffered. However, because of the prayers and sincerity who asked to God, a miracle happened. The Cancer that attacked him was full recovery, so he remained active to teach in post graduate on IAIN Walisongo Semarang. Allah said "Ud'uunii astajib lakum (pray to me, then I will  grant your prayer)."

Keywords: cancer, alms, prayers, sincerity, miracle.

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Ditulis oleh: Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -