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Bioaerosol Hazards

Bioaerosol is composed of dust particles or the rest of living beings that come from living things. Living beings are primarily fungi and bacteria. The spread of bacteria, fungi, and viruses generally occurs through the ventilation system.  There are two sources Bioaerosol which are derived from outside the room and from breeding in the room or from humans, especially when conditions are too crowded. Health effects caused by bioaerosol is mainly three kinds of infections, allergies, and irritation. Bioaerosol contamination originating from the air ventilation system (humidifier) ​​are distributed throughout the room can cause various reactions such as fever, runny nose, shortness of breath and pain in muscles and bones (Tan Malaka, 1998).
Research also shows, that some animals prefer to defecate in the dust like flies, worms, chicken and others. This causes a lot of virus that settles in the dust, so the disease which caused dust increasingly diverse. For example, worm eggs mixed in the dust, then dust is stuck to the hands / nails. After that the worm eggs enter to the boby through the food. If this goes on and on, then your stomach will be unhealthy and diseased. Besides walking barefoot, the feet will tread the dust also can cause the eggs / larvae of worms get into the pores of the feet, having finally managed to get drawn into the blood stream and hatch in the body. It is on the mark with a leg that feels gata. There is a sign the worm eggs are trying to get through feet pores.
Be careful with the presence of dust. Consciously, we are living among millions of living beings. We co-exist in filling every crevice of this earth to breathe and activities. We sit on chairs, the mattresses when we sleep, we ride vehicles or even the air we breathe every moment, containing various kinds of living things. The size ranges from 0.1 to 10 microns only. We were side by side.
Microbes are many kinds and types. These small creatures that include (not even visible to the naked eye) may also live in our bodies and grow in it with comfort and peace. Some of the microbes that normally live in a room that has high humidity like
Mites, spores, fungus, Animal Fleas, Powder flowers, dead skin cells, bacteria, yeast, viruses and so forth. All types of microbes are microbes that are not good for our health.

There are several solutions that can be done to address the problem of bioaerosol in the room.
1.        Get used to clean the air conditioner on a regular basis (although not visibly soiled)
2.        use a central vacuum in your home or office to clean the dirt / dust (remember: DUST IS A VIRUS AND HOST BACTERIA IN YOUR PLACE) The more we routinely clean the room, the more comfortable we indulge in the room.
3.        Health check periodically to see a doctor.
4.        Not doing other polluting activities such as: smoking in indoor air-conditioned and excessive wear perfume that smells.
5.        Perform filtering incoming air.

Keywords: Bioaerosol, dust, defecate, Microbes, solution
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Ditulis oleh: Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -