living by the pressures of life, too much activities and versatile pursuing the target is a trend in modern society today. In reaching for worldly pleasures, they sometimes can not leave time for take a rest. If a break, they only rested at night, and even they rest in the middle of the night. Demands of life in modern times, sometimes makes people become tired, bored, bored and stuck in an endless routine of endless.
In the state of energy and mind are tired, bored, and other fatigue of life, if do not Balance with refreshment of mind, it will affect not good for your health. You are always faced with a tough job that takes up a lot of energy and drain your mind? So your mind too upset when there are problems which constantly confront your life? Indeed, that is always the same activity every day can lead to boredom and boredom. The result, it will impact to the weakening of the power of concentration. Especially if it's the middle of busy routines, you encounter any problems or obstacles so that you became more frantic. In these circumstances you need refreshing to body and mind refreshed.
Refreshing or walking is required so that you may refresh your mind. Heart and soul was tired, so they should be entertained in one way to go for a walk. We know so many entertainment events popping up on television. The event raised course aims to accommodate you about the problems that sometimes make you stressed and saturated in daily activities.
Although you are very busy with your work, you should give the portion of your life to break and rest. Make the agenda, because if you don’t, then you really will not have time. Carry out your agenda, although it will be done once a month, twice a month or three times a month. But remember, don’t do refreshing too often. It will makes spoiled the effect on the body.
Too often refreshing will make us like to escape from the realities of life. Life is obviously having problems that we can not avoid. But do not also provide a bit of time to implement refreshing. The liver can become sour and quickly tired. You should be balanced.
If you are a Muslim, take the time to do the prayer five times and do as well as dhikr and wird. Dhikr and wird are good at doing at night, when almost dawn. But you also can do it anytime. Go to the mosque, ablution and dhikr and wird as much as you can, basically you beg forgiveness and ask directions. Insha Allah, all the problems and your frantic mind will disappear and come back fresh. For other religions may be the same, only different term, such as yoga, meditation and so forth. Remember, this way is not instant, but it must be done regularly and voluntarily. May you always be in good health with a healthy lifestyle wherever you are.
Keyword: pressures of life, refreshment of mind, stress, refreshing, prayer, dhikr and wird
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Nasrudin Latif, S.Pd, M.Pd.I -